LongLife ClearView Self Adhesive Floor Window


LongLife ClearView Self Adhesive Floor Window (3)

Warehouse Floor Label Holder

ORGATEX LongLife ClearView Floor Window Label Holders are the perfect solution for your floor labelling needs, allowing you to visibly and accessible display information on your warehouse floor. For companies looking to implement their own visual management systems, our long-life self-adhesive floor windows are available in 5 sizes and 8 different colours, allowing for easy colour coding and clear identification of floor storage areas.

Industrial 5S Floor Labels

Our durable floor windows are scratch-proof, forklift resistant, and self-adhesive. It is this outstanding adhesive strength that ensures your floor frames stay in place for as long as you need them to, without having to worry about adhesive residue when it is time to remove them. We manufacture rectangle, arrowed, and circular floor windows meaning that you can find a floor window to suit your particular needs and create the most effective visual management system possible.

LongLife ClearView Self Adhesive Floor Window (3)